%0 Dataset %T Vectorized dataset of check dams on the Chinese Loess Plateau using object-based classification method from Google Earth images %J National Cryosphere Desert Data Center %I National Cryosphere Desert Data Center(www.ncdc.ac.cn) %U http://www.ncdc.ac.cn/portal/metadata/c0c7b62c-d488-49f5-958b-6aad5b5d77f8 %W NCDC %R 10.5281/zenodo.7857443 %A fnf %K Object oriented classification;Loess Plateau;Barrage;Threshold segmentation %X This dataset is the first vectorized dataset of silt soil formed by inspection dams on CLP, combining high-resolution and easily accessible Google Earth images with object based classification methods. This dataset not only provides basic information for accurately evaluating the ecosystem service function of the dam, but also helps to interpret the current changes in sediment transport in the Yellow River and plan future soil and water conservation projects The vectorized dataset format for the dam site is shapefile (. shp), where each record is depicted as a face and includes subsequent attributes such as longitude, latitude, dam site area, dam site perimeter, sediment volume, and sediment quality. In the attribute table, the fields Area (unit: m2) and Shape-Leng (unit: m) represent the area and perimeter of the dam surface, calculated in WGS1984-EASE Grid_Global coordinates; The field volume (unit: m2) and mass (unit: m) represent the sediment retention and mass of the inspection dam