TY  - Data
T1  - Research data set on separation of high efficiency denitrification and coagulation resistant microalgae in rare earth tailings wastewater (March 2018)
A1  - Yang Liming
DO  - 10.12072/ncdc.UTCMW.db2156.2022
PY  - 2022
DA  - 2022-05-31
PB  - National Cryosphere Desert Data Center
AB  - Acid rare earth tailings wastewater with high nitrogen and low COD is the most serious and urgent environmental problem in rare earth mining industry. How to effectively and cheaply repair NH4-N and NO3-N in rare earth wastewater is still a huge challenge. This harsh wastewater environment makes it difficult for common microorganisms and microalgae to survive. In this study, a new type of highly tolerant co flocculating microalgae (a combination of Scenedesmus sp. and parachlorella sp.) was successfully isolated from rare earth mine wastewater after 3 years of culture. In the wastewater with COD / N of 0 ~ 1, the removal rate of total inorganic nitrogen (TIN) by CO flocculation microalgae culture is as high as 90.9%, which is 1.9 times of the average removal rate of microalgae previously reported (47.9%). Therefore, the residual concentrations of NHH - N and tin can meet the emission standard of rare earth industrial pollutants (GB 26451-2011). At the same time of high nitrogen removal performance, it also reveals the tolerance of CO flocculated microalgae to high NH4-N and strong acid, rapid growth and sedimentation, and remove nha-n and NO3-N at the same time. These characteristics are determined by the specific co flocculation community structure covered by extracellular polymers.The separation research data set of high-efficiency denitrification and coagulation resistant microalgae in rare earth tailings wastewater is obtained by experimental method. The data format is decimal (. XLS), and the amount of data is 2 groups, a total of 794 data.
UR  - http://www.ncdc.ac.cn/portal/metadata/b6d30cea-2d64-4554-bdac-2bf1e1928abd
ER  -