%0 Dataset %T snow survey dataset from super statins of China during 2017-2020 %J National Cryosphere Desert Data Center %I National Cryosphere Desert Data Center(www.ncdc.ac.cn) %U http://www.ncdc.ac.cn/portal/metadata/9bc06803-d5db-4f1d-a266-0b01235a9f58 %W NCDC %R 10.12072/ncdc.I-SNOW.db0013.2021 %A Chetao %A Li Lanhai %A None %A Li Xiaofeng %A None %A None %K Snow depth;super station;snow density;meteorological elements %X <pre><code> This data set contains the snow characteristics data set of manual observation and automatic observation of 6 Super stations in typical snow areas in China in three snow seasons from 2017 to 2020. Among them, the manual observation data set includes daily snow depth, density, snow particle size, snow hardness, snow form and other data. Automatic observation includes snow depth, snow water equivalent, snow albedo, liquid water content, snow density, wind temperature and wet pressure. The six Super stations are Altay station, Tianshan avalanche station, Gande station, Cuona station, Heihe station and northeast forest station. Among them, the automatic observation and manual observation of each super station are stored in different folders annually. The daily manual observation data are stored in a folder, including environmental photos, particle size photos, record forms and scanning files of original record forms. The automatic observation folder contains tables for each observation instrument and data analysis diagrams. The dataset contains 28 folders, 886 data tables and 974340 records in total. See the description document for the naming rules, time range and longitude and latitude of the data set.