%0 Dataset %T Geographic Distribution Dataset of Potential Desertification in China (1930-2100) %J National Cryosphere Desert Data Center %I National Cryosphere Desert Data Center(www.ncdc.ac.cn) %U http://www.ncdc.ac.cn/portal/metadata/98a4d8ee-4517-4e99-9c72-94905cdd14cc %W NCDC %R 10.57760/sciencedb.08395 %A None %K Desertification;spatiotemporal changes;potential occurrence areas %X & emsp; This dataset is based on the definition of potential desertification geographic distribution by the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification. The spatial resolution is 0.25 °× 0.25 °, and the data format is tif. A spatial distribution dataset of potential desertification in China from 1930 to 2100. A long-term time series spatial distribution dataset of potential desertification geographic distribution in China has been constructed. The geographic coordinate system of the raster file is WGS1984, with attribute "0" representing potential non desertification areas, "1" representing arid areas, "2" representing semi-arid areas, and "3" representing sub humid arid areas. The data can be opened and mapped using ArcMAP software; And it can be extracted and processed using Python. This dataset can provide scientific data support for long-term spatial distribution research and related studies on the potential geographic distribution of desertification in China, as well as for China's desertification prevention and control strategies and major ecological engineering construction in northern China.