%0 Dataset %T GloUCP: Global 1-kilometer spatially continuous urban canopy parameters based on WRF model (2020) %J National Cryosphere Desert Data Center %I National Cryosphere Desert Data Center(www.ncdc.ac.cn) %U http://www.ncdc.ac.cn/portal/metadata/8f7ca904-9f28-4c8e-801b-0472f908d956 %W NCDC %R 10.6084/m9.figshare.27011491.v2 %A None %A None %K Urban Informatics;WRF;City;canopy %X & emsp; This dataset provides global urban canopy parameters (GloUCP) with a resolution of approximately 1 kilometer in 2020. The data is divided into 288 blocks, each stored in a compressed file, covering a geographical area of 15 °× 15 °. The geographic region corresponding to each compressed file can be identified from its file name (for example, GloUCP-X105_119.Y15_29.zip contains data spanning the area between longitude 105 ° -120 ° E and latitude 15 ° -30 ° N, while GloUCP-X180_ -166. Y-60_ -46. zip corresponds to the area between longitude 180 ° -165 ° W and latitude 60 ° -45 ° S). Each compressed file contains 255 geographic grid binary format files, each representing a 1 °× 1 ° region. Such as 35161-35280.14281-14400, which includes data spanning the 113 ° E-114 ° E and 29 ° N-30 ° N regions& emsp; In addition, the dataset also includes impervious surface fraction data with a resolution of 1 kilometer in 2020, which is provided simultaneously with the GloUCP dataset. Users can easily define land cover/use types in WRF simulations based on consistent impervious area data.