%0 Dataset %T The world's largest irrigation range and central pivot irrigation system dataset based on irrigation performance under drought stress and machine learning methods (2010-2019) %J National Cryosphere Desert Data Center %I National Cryosphere Desert Data Center(www.ncdc.ac.cn) %U http://www.ncdc.ac.cn/portal/metadata/725385a7-ecd8-4af3-9f91-1ccf6e233ae2 %W NCDC %A Bingfang Wu %K Irrigation products;irrigation performance;central pivot irrigation system;GMIE-100 %X This data is based on the drought months in areas that require regular irrigation from 2017 to 2019 and the driest months in areas that require occasional irrigation from 2010 to 2019, using irrigation performance under drought stress and machine learning methods. There are a total of 67 fragments worldwide, with most of the tiles overlapping with land having a maximum range of 21 °× 21 °. GMIE-100 adopts the WGS84 coordinate system, latitude and longitude projection (EPSG: 4326), and the file format is GeoTIFF. The irrigation ratio is represented by a single band image, and the pixel values correspond to the irrigation ratio of their respective spatial grids, with a range of 0-1 and a background value of -99. The file is GMIE-100-log_1at.tif, where lat and log represent rounding of the latitude and longitude of the center point. The domain of tiles can be found in the 'tiles of GMIE-100. shp' file. GCPIS is stored in shapefiles format in a zip file.