%0 Dataset %T Data of urban and rural domestic sewage treatment in the Yellow River Basin from 2015 to 2019 %J National Cryosphere Desert Data Center %I National Cryosphere Desert Data Center(www.ncdc.ac.cn) %U http://www.ncdc.ac.cn/portal/metadata/299a94e2-4013-45ac-89cc-7673de927c77 %W NCDC %R 10.12072/ncdc.YRiver.db1927.2022 %A Zhang yaonan %A Kang jianfang %A Liu chun %K Urban and rural domestic pollution wastewater treatment facilities have been built;put into operation;treatment capacity;treatment capacity at this stage;built sewage pipelines;sewage collection rate;length of rainwater sewage confluence pipelines;sewage treatment status of existing sewage treatment plants %X This data set contains the data of domestic wastewater treatment in urban and rural areas of the basin. The data is mainly natural language."1. Dataset naming:Treatment data of domestic sewage and wastewater in urban and rural areas of the basin xlsx2. Attribute information:Province: the river basin flows through the provincial regionCity: the river basin flows through the municipal areaCounty (District): the river basin flows through the county-level areaThe built scale of urban and rural domestic pollution wastewater treatment facilities: including construction scale, treatment capacity, construction investment, etc;Put into operation capacity: including the number of sewage treatment plants, put into operation capacity, etc;Treatment capacity: including daily sewage treatment capacity, treatment capacity, etc;Treatment capacity at this stage: including the total treatment capacity of the sewage treatment plant;Built sewage pipeline: including the length of sewage drainage pipe network and desilting pipeline;Sewage collection rate: daily and annual sewage collection rate of sewage treatment plant;Sludge disposal status of existing sewage treatment plant: including disposal volume, inspection events, etc.