采集时间 | 2008/01/01 - 2009/12/31 |
采集地点 | 张掖市,山丹县,民乐县,甘州区,临泽县,高台县,肃南县 |
数据量 | 346.5 KiB |
数据格式 | excel |
数据时间分辨率 | 时 |
坐标系 | WGS84 |
# | 标题 | 文件大小 |
1 | 张掖市2009年管理年报.xls | 185.0 KiB |
2 | 管理年报(2008)(张掖市).xls | 161.5 KiB |
# | 时间 | 姓名 | 用途 |
1 | 2025/01/02 19:38 | 胡*盛 |
2 | 2024/11/28 21:44 | 何*芝 |
3 | 2024/06/23 02:27 | 王*恒 |
4 | 2021/12/26 08:24 | 陆* |
论文题目:Quantifying the impacts of irrigation and groundwater pumping on local subsurface storage under different agricultural water use strategies
论文摘要:Anthropogenic water management regulates local water and energy budgets. Water abstracted from rivers, canals and reservoirs, and/or pumped from groundwater are major sources for irrigation. Agricultural water use strategies on irrigation and pumping alter groundwater-surface water interactions and hence influence local hydrodynamics. Here we applied a physically based, fully integrated groundwater-surface water model, ParFlow, to quantify the impacts of irrigation and groundwater pumping on local subsurface storage with various irrigation and pumping strategies (i.e., water source and scheduling). A 25000 m transect was configured in a typical inland water basin with extensive agriculture activities and driven by hydrometeorological reanalysis and agricultural water use forcing data. The model was validated by the cosmic-ray probe and time domain reflectometry probe observations. In agriculture seasons, the subsurface storage gain becomes slower when intermittent massive-volume irrigation and pumping strategy is used, especially for the saturated storage change. Moreover, by comparing correlations between simulated water table depths in different regions, it shows that groundwater depths in mountainous regions are more sensitive to irrigation and pumping strategy than those in the plains. This study demonstrates that changes in subsurface storage and water table depth behavior highlight the role of irrigation and pumping in regulating local hydrodynamics in addition to water availability. It also implies that daily agricultural water use strategy is recommended for eco-hydrologic sustainability.
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