%0 Journal Article %A Wang L. %A Koike T. %A Yang K. %A Jin R. %A Li H. %+ Dept. of Civil Engineering, the University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan;;Lab. of Tibetan Environment Changes and Land Surface Processes, Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China;;Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou, China %T Frozen soil parameterization in a distributed biosphere hydrological model %J Hydrology and Earth System Sciences %D 2010 %N 115 %V 14 %X In this study, a frozen soil parameterization has been modified andincorporated into a distributed biosphere hydrological model (WEB-DHM). TheWEB-DHM with the frozen scheme was then rigorously evaluated in a small coldarea, the Binngou watershed, against the in-situ observations from the WATER(Watershed Allied Telemetry Experimental Research). First, by using theoriginal WEB-DHM without the frozen scheme, the land surface parameters andtwo van Genuchten parameters were optimized using the observed surfaceradiation fluxes and the soil moistures at upper layers (5, 10 and 20 cmdepths) at the DY station in July. Second, by using the WEB-DHM with thefrozen scheme, two frozen soil parameters were calibrated using the observedsoil temperature at 5 cm depth at the DY station from 21 November 2007 to 20April 2008; while the other soil hydraulic parameters were optimized by thecalibration of the discharges at the basin outlet in July and August thatcovers the annual largest flood peak in 2008. With these calibratedparameters, the WEB-DHM with the frozen scheme was then used for a yearlongvalidation from 21 November 2007 to 20 November 2008. Results showed thatthe WEB-DHM with the frozen scheme has given much better performance thanthe WEB-DHM without the frozen scheme, in the simulations of soil moistureprofile at the cold regions catchment and the discharges at the basin outletin the yearlong simulation. %@ 1607-7938 %W CNKI