%0 Dataset %T Glacial catalogue data set of Nepal %J National Cryosphere Desert Data Center %I National Cryosphere Desert Data Center(www.ncdc.ac.cn) %U http://www.ncdc.ac.cn/portal/metadata/f29b239c-9353-44de-b6ce-ec82a7f13a9b %W NCDC %R 10.12072/ncdc.Westdc.db0024.2021 %A Wu lizong %K Glacier;glacier catalogue;glacier location;glacier code;glacier name;glacier area;glacier length;glacier thickness;ice storage;glacier type;glacier orientation %X This glacial catalogue is jointly supported by International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) and United National Environment Programme / regional resources centre, Asia and the Pacific (UNEP / rrc-ap). 1. Landsat remote sensing data are used in Glacier cataloguing to reflect the current situation of glaciers in Nepal in 2000. 2. Glacier cataloging coverage: Nepal region3. The contents of glacier catalogue include: Glacier location, glacier code, glacier name, glacier area, glacier length, glacier thickness, ice reserves, glacier type, glacier orientation and other attributes4. Data projection information:Grid Zone IIAProjection:Lambert conformal conicEllipsoid: Everest (India 1956)Datum:India (India, Nepal)False easting: 2743196.40False northing: 914398.80Central meridian: 90°00'00"ECentral parallel: 26°00'00"NScale factor: 0.998786Standard parallel 1:23°09'28.17"NStandard parallel 2:28°49'8.18"NMinimum X Value:1920240Maximum X Value:2651760Minimum Y Value:914398Maximum Y Value:1188720Grid Zone IIBProjection:Lambert conformal conicEllipsoid: Everest (India 1956)Datum:India (India, Nepal)False easting: 2743196.40False northing: 914398.80Central meridian: 90°00'00"ECentral parallel: 26°00'00"NScale factor: 0.998786Standard parallel 1:21°30'00"NStandard parallel 2:30°00'00"NMinimum X Value:1823188Maximum X Value:2000644Minimum Y Value:1306643Maximum Y Value:1433476Please refer to the document and report for detailed data description