%0 Dataset %T A dataset of global sand flux %J National Cryosphere Desert Data Center %I National Cryosphere Desert Data Center(www.ncdc.ac.cn) %U http://www.ncdc.ac.cn/portal/metadata/e70e47ed-c10d-4d49-9bb3-62bbf2f06de5 %W NCDC %R 10.5281/zenodo.7504489 %A None %K Sand flux;flux potential;resulting flux potential;azimuth flux potential %X Simply, we use all effective friction velocities derived from the instantaneous estimates of 10 m u-component and v-component hourly wind speeds to infer sand flux based on the physics formulas of blown sand, and according to the existing studies (Gunn et al., 2021; Chanteloube et al., 2022; Gunn et al., 2022a; Gunn et al., 2022b), further improve the conceptual framework of sand flux, and simply define the flux potential (FP), resultant flux potential (RFP) and azimuthal flux potential (FP_N, FP_NNE, FP_NE, FP_NEE, FP_E, FP_EES, FP_ES, FP_ESS, FP_S, FP_SSW, FP_WS, FP_WWS, FP_W, FP_WWN, FP_NW and FP_NNW). Specifically, FP is the sum of FPs moving to all azimuths; RFP is the resultant flux potential, represents net sand transport potential under the different wind directions; RFD is the resultant flux direction, represents net trend of sand flux; FDV is flux directional variability, defined as the ratio of RFP/FP, represents that the flux moves to the same direction (approximate to 1) or many directions (approximate to 0); FP_azimuth represents the azimuthal flux potential, the sum of azimuthal flux potentials is flux potential (FP); RFP_N or RFP_E represent that FPs to all azimuths are projected to the due-north and due-east directions in order to solve the RFP, RFD and the final FDV (Li et al., 2024).The wind speed and direction data calculated by 10 m u-component of wind and 10 m v-component wind were from the 0.1° ERA5-Land hourly wind data during 1950-2023, and the 0.25° ERA5 hourly wind data during 1940-2023.