%0 Dataset %T Heihe River Integrated Remote Sensing joint experiment: data set of quadrat and transect layout in Linze grassland intensive observation area (2008) %J National Cryosphere Desert Data Center %I National Cryosphere Desert Data Center(www.ncdc.ac.cn) %U http://www.ncdc.ac.cn/portal/metadata/e5add0c0-9fac-4bf1-a9fc-8f3e7e66bcc9 %W NCDC %R 10.12072/ncdc.NIEER.db1912.2022 %A Wang Xufeng %K Quadrat;transect;dense observation area %X From May 2008 to July 2008, several synchronous observation quadrats were arranged in the intensive observation area of Linze grassland.This dataset contains:( 1) Grassland station quadrat MapSource data folder( 2) Landa grassland Station - quadrat transect GPS table( 3) Quadrat layout document( 4) Quadrat distribution According to the spatial resolution of transit sensing, it is 2km around Linze grassland station × One 1.8km is arranged within 2km × 1.8km quadrat h and 5 360m × 360m quadrats a, B, C, D and E. There are 64 sample points in H quadrat, numbered H01 to H64, and the distance between adjacent two points is 250m, mainly for MODIS synchronization. 360m × The 360m quadrats a, B, C, D and e respectively contain 49 sample points with a spacing of 60m and sample point numbers of 01 to 49 (e.g. A01 to A49 for sample a). The surface type of sample a is reed land, the surface type of sample B is saline alkali land, with sparse reed distributed, the surface type of sample C is saline alkali land, reed is more sparse than sample a, and the surface type of sample D is alfalfa land, The surface type of e quadrat is barley field. 120m is nested in quadrats a, B, C, D and E × A small quadrat of 120m, with a sample point spacing of 30m in the small quadrat (see "quadrat distribution. PDF" in the data folder) Quadrats a, B, C, D, e and nested small quadrats are mainly for ASAR, PALSAR, aster, airborne OMIS and widas synchronization. In addition, there are 7 microwave synchronous sample belts, each sample belt has 25 sample points, the sample belt spacing is 200m, and the sample point spacing on the sample belt is 100m. The number l3-11 represents the No. 11 sample point on the No. 3 sample belt. PR2 quadrat is 3grid × The sample space of 3grid is 30m, and the number is pr11. There are also 2 PR2 transects, a total of 11 transects. The coordinates of all samples are in the excel table