%0 Dataset %T A new collector data set with wide pH adaptability and high selectivity for the flotation separation of scheelite and calcite (March 2020) %J National Cryosphere Desert Data Center %I National Cryosphere Desert Data Center(www.ncdc.ac.cn) %U http://www.ncdc.ac.cn/portal/metadata/df5d7f1c-3730-4415-81f8-0067496592cf %W NCDC %R 10.12072/ncdc.UTCMW.db2190.2022 %A Yang Liming %K Scheelite;calcite;flotation separation %X Efficient separation of gangue minerals in Scheelite Flotation is a persistent scientific research topic. As Scheelite Resources are further poor, fine and miscellaneous, and the input cost of industrial production is limited, the flotation reagent must meet the requirements in terms of source, price and efficiency. Cationic collector is a potential flotation agent for Scheelite at room temperature. For example, quaternary ammonium salt cationic collector shows good flotation performance in silicate flotation process. Compared with primary amine salt, quaternary ammonium salt is hardly affected by pH change, and it has a good pH applicability. Therefore, quaternary ammonium salt group is an ideal choice for constructing a new collector suitable for a wider pH range. Compared with traditional surfactants, Gemini surfactants have higher activity. Gemini's Gemini quaternary ammonium structure can also be used to build the solid affinity group of the collector to strengthen the adsorption response to scheelite surfaceAs mentioned above, Gemini surfactant may be an ideal collector for Scheelite foam flotation. More importantly, Gemini surfactants have never been reported for Scheelite Flotation. This paper mainly studies the flotation law and action mechanism of the new collector on calcium containing minerals, which is of great significance to the normal temperature flotation of scheelite. The results show that the flotation behavior of scheelite and its gangue mineral calcite by Gemini cationic collector HDDA shows that at pH 6-11 and 0.5×10-4mol/L the concentration of 0.5×10-4mol/L collector, the new gemini quaternary ammonium salt collector has excellent selectivity in the test of separating scheelite and calcite. Compared with NaOl, HDDA shows superior flotation performance. Supported by the experimental conclusion of single mineral test, 0.5×10-4mol/L HDDA and NaOl were used as collectors to separate artificial mixed minerals under different pH values. According to