%0 Dataset %T Global Landslide Point and Landslide Area Data Set (1915-2021) %J National Cryosphere Desert Data Center %I National Cryosphere Desert Data Center(www.ncdc.ac.cn) %U http://www.ncdc.ac.cn/portal/metadata/c92f774a-f368-4ad0-b99d-48007d3e6dc6 %W NCDC %R 10.12072/ncdc.nieer.db2700.2023 %A None %K Landslide point;landslide area;longitude and latitude position %X This data is the worldwide landslide data from 1915 to 2021. Each data records in detail the disaster collection source, time, type, size, longitude and latitude, etc. The data is a database, including point data and face data</ p> There are two types of data: 1. Point data Attribute fields: object ID, shape, name of information source, link to information source, event ID, event date, event time (approximate), event title, event description, location description, location accuracy, landslide category, landslide trigger, estimated size, landslide setting, number of failures, number of failures, nunber of investments, Associated Storm Name,Link to Photo,Event Comments,Imported Event Source Catalog,Imported Event Source Id,Latitude,Longitude,Country Name,Country Code,Administrative Division,Closest Gazetteer Point,Distance to Gazetteer Point,Submitted Date,Last_ edited_ date. 2. Surface data Attribute fields: objectid, shape, name of information source, link to information source, event ID, event date, event time (approximate), event title, event description, location description, location accuracy, landslide category, landslide trigger, estimated size, landslide setting, number of failures, number of failures, nunber of injuries, associated storm name, Link to Photo,Event Comments,Imported Event Source Catalog,Imported Event Source Id,Latitude,Longitude,Country Name,Country Code,Administrative Division,Closest Gazetteer Point,Distance to Gazetteer Point,Submitted Date,Last_ edited_ date,Shape_ Length,Shape_ Area.