%0 Dataset %T Heihe integrated remote sensing joint test: ENVISAT ASAR ground synchronous observation data set in biandukou encrypted observation area (March 14, 2008) %J National Cryosphere Desert Data Center %I National Cryosphere Desert Data Center(www.ncdc.ac.cn) %U http://www.ncdc.ac.cn/portal/metadata/b19aeee2-840e-4a74-88ad-dc5dcc93d0f3 %W NCDC %R 10.12072/ncdc.NIEER.db1885.2022 %A Zhao Shaojie %A Ren Huazhong %A ZHao Tianjie %A Pan Jinmei %K Ground synchronous observation;Freezing depth of soil;Hand held infrared thermometer;Surface radiation temperature;Soil physical temperature;soil moisture;ASAR %X On March 14, 2008, ENVISAT ASAR ground synchronous measurement was carried out in biandukou intensive observation area. The measurement contents mainly include surface temperature, soil profile water content (0-1cm, 1-3cm, 3-5cm, 5-10cm, 10-20cm, only 5cm in some quadrats) and surface soil freezing depth. ENVISAT ASAR data is AP mode, VV / VH polarization combination mode, and the transit time is about 23:21bjt. The survey time is from 23:30 on March 14, 2008 to 1:00 on March 15, 2008. The survey quadrats include biandukou C1 sample plot, biandukou W2 sample plot and biandukou B2 sample plot; Quadrat types include wheat stubble land, deep ploughing land and rape stubble land. 1) The soil temperature was measured by hand-held infrared thermometer and short-range measurement mode. At the same time, the surface type of the survey point is recorded. Data files can be opened with Microsoft office software. 2) Soil moisture content: take 0-1cm, 1-3cm, 3-5cm, 5-10cm and 10-20cm soil samples, put them into self sealing bags, and then dry them in microwave oven to calculate the soil weight moisture content. 3) The measurement method of soil freezing depth is to judge the freezing and thawing depth by inserting chopsticks into the soil to feel its hardness or directly digging out the frozen layer on the surface of the soil to measure the thickness of the frozen layer. Measured directly with a ruler, when the soil hardness is large and there are ice crystals, it is considered that the soil is frozen; On the contrary, it is considered that the soil is not frozen. Data can be opened with Microsoft office software. This data set includes four folders: ASAR data, Biandu port C1 sample measurement data, Biandu port W2 sample measurement data, and Biandu port B2 sample measurement data.