%0 Dataset %T Tianshan Regional MODIS (MOD10A1, MOD10A1F, MOD10A2, MYD10A1, MYD10A1F, MYD10A2) Remote Sensing Data Set (2000-2022) %J National Cryosphere Desert Data Center %I National Cryosphere Desert Data Center(www.ncdc.ac.cn) %U http://www.ncdc.ac.cn/portal/metadata/b157bba5-754b-4e78-9007-20f8beddef0e %W NCDC %R 10.12072/ncdc.nieer.db2687.2023 %A Zhang yaonan %K Tianshan area;snow products;snow albedo;normalized difference snow index (NDSI) %X MOD10A1/MYD10A1 V6.1 Snow Cover Daily Global 500m product includes snow, snow albedo, partial snow and quality assessment (QA) data. Snow data is based on snow mapping algorithm using normalized difference snow index (NDSI) and other standard tests. MOD10A1F/MYD10A1F is a new daily "cloud gap filling" grid snow product produced in series V6.1. The algorithm for generating Terra and Aqua snow maps provides a daily CGF map of snow coverage with a resolution of 500 meters. When there are cloud observations on the day, the CGF daily map is generated by keeping the non cloud observations on the previous day. Data products include CGF snow map, cloud persistence map, basic QA and observation markers, and NDSI snow map from corresponding daily MOD10A1 products. The MODIS/Terra 8-day L3 global 500 meter grid (MOD10A2/MYD10A2) data set contains the data fields of the maximum snow coverage in the 8-day composite period, the snow observation chronology in the compressed hierarchical data format Earth Observation System (HDF-EOS) format, and the corresponding metadata. MOD10A2/MYD10A2 consists of 1200km × 1200km 500m resolution data blocks, which are gridded in sinusoidal map projection. The snow cover data of MODIS is based on the snow mapping algorithm using normalized difference snow cover index (NDSI) and other standard tests.