%0 Dataset %T Data set of soil particle size distribution in Heihe River Basin %J National Cryosphere Desert Data Center %I National Cryosphere Desert Data Center(www.ncdc.ac.cn) %U http://www.ncdc.ac.cn/portal/metadata/a9800bf3-2789-4a15-822e-a620c5b49100 %W NCDC %R 10.12072/ncdc.westdc.db3732.2023 %A Shangguang wei %A Dai yongjiu %K Soil texture;soil;sand %X The source data of this data set comes from the 1:1 million soil map of China (Shi et al., 2004) and 8595 soil profiles of the second soil survey. The distance between the profile and the map spot, the number of soil profiles and soil classification information are considered. Please refer to relevant papers and web pages for specific instructions. Data files include: sand1.flt, clay1.flt – sand and clay content in the surface layer (0-30cm), sand2.flt, clay2.flt – sand and clay content in the bottom layer (30-100cm), psd.hdr – header file, ncols – number of columns, nrows – number of rows, xllcorner – latitude in the lower left corner, yllcorner – longitude in the lower left corner, cellsize – cell size, NoData_ Value - null value, byteorder - lsbfirst, least significant bit first, tiff raster files include: sand1.tif, clay1.tif - sand and clay content in the surface layer (0-30cm) Sand2.tif, clay2.tif - sand and clay content in the bottom layer (30-100cm). Please refer to for data details http://globalchange.bnu.edu.cn/research/soil