%0 Dataset %T Social survey data sets of typical areas affected by glacier change in Hexi three inland river basins in 2014 %J National Cryosphere Desert Data Center %I National Cryosphere Desert Data Center(www.ncdc.ac.cn) %U http://www.ncdc.ac.cn/portal/metadata/a687f80e-084b-491b-8474-5adcf4b89d0a %W NCDC %R 10.12072/ncdc.CCI.db0042.2020 %A None %K Survey %X This data is the social survey data set of typical areas affected by glacier change in Hexi three inland river basins in 2014, including households in Heihe River Basin, Heihe government, Shiyang river farmer, Shiyang River government, Shule river farmer and Shule River government. The content is the social survey data of three inland river basins (Heihe River, Shiyang River and Shule River) in typical areas affected by glacier change. The survey objects are divided into farmers and government staff in the area. The survey contents include the basic information of interviewees (gender, age, education level, etc.), livelihood changes and their causes (income sources, income changes, reasons for income changes, etc.), adaptation awareness, adaptability and adaptation measures to the impact of glacier change.