%0 Dataset %T Soil database of the Yellow River Basin %J National Cryosphere Desert Data Center %I National Cryosphere Desert Data Center(www.ncdc.ac.cn) %U http://www.ncdc.ac.cn/portal/metadata/a5e21376-b354-477e-9bc0-bc71d20fbe38 %W NCDC %R 10.12072/ncdc.YRiver.db0055.2021 %A Zhang yaonan %A Kang jianfang %A Liu chun %K Parent material;name of soil species;name of soil class;name of soil subclass %X < This data set contains the data of soil species, soil types, subclasses and parent materials of soils in all provinces and cities of the Yellow River Basin. Name of soil species: soil species is an aggregate composed of a group of soil individuals with similar soil characteristics. The soil individuals with clear central concept are selected as the representative as the basis for evaluating the differences of soil properties and dividing soil species. Soil type name: soil type refers to the name of each soil classification & emsp& emsp; Name of subclass: subclass is the continuation of soil type, which reflects other additional soil forming processes in addition to the dominant soil forming process& emsp;& emsp; Parent material: the parent material is the weathering product formed by the weathering of rocks and minerals on the surface of the earth's crust. It is the material basis for the formation of soil and the framework of soil. It is not only different from soil, but also has a profound impact on the formation and fertility development of soil. Many properties of the parent material are inherited to the soil. The physical and chemical properties of the parent material change to form the upper part of the weathered crust with loose structure.