%0 Dataset %T 2012 meteorological manual observation data set of hulugou basin in the upper reaches of Heihe River %J National Cryosphere Desert Data Center %I National Cryosphere Desert Data Center(www.ncdc.ac.cn) %U http://www.ncdc.ac.cn/portal/metadata/98350ad0-139d-11e6-82a7-28d244cbcf8d %W NCDC %R 10.12072/ncdc.nieer.db3222.2023 %A Han chuntan %K Dry bulb temperature;minimum temperature;Wet bulb temperature;Ground temperature;Maximum temperature;Hulu gully watershed %X This data set is the weather manual observation data set of hulugou in the upper reaches of Heihe River in 2012, which is observed once a day at 08:00. The observation contents include dry bulb temperature, wet bulb temperature, maximum temperature, minimum temperature and ground temperature (0cm, 5cm, 10cm, 15cm, 20cm, ground maximum and ground minimum). See the table header for the definition of each field