%0 Dataset %T Heihe River eco hydrological remote sensing test: 1km / 5-day synthetic vegetation coverage (FVC) data set of Heihe River Basin (2015) %J National Cryosphere Desert Data Center %I National Cryosphere Desert Data Center(www.ncdc.ac.cn) %U http://www.ncdc.ac.cn/portal/metadata/7aef8e89-30f0-439a-af2d-f8f600c3d42d %W NCDC %R 10.12072/ncdc.nieer.db3554.2023 %A Mu xihan %A Zhong bo %A Liu qinghuo %K Vegetation coverage;remote sensing products;ecological remote sensing products;LUCC data %X The 1km / 5-day synthetic vegetation coverage (FVC) data set in Heihe River basin provides the 5-day FVC synthesis results in 2015. The data uses Terra / MODIS, Aqua / MODIS, and domestic satellites fy3a / MERSI and fy3b / MERSI sensor data to build a multi-source remote sensing data set with spatial resolution of 1km and temporal resolution of 5 days. The whole country is divided into different vegetation divisions and land types, and the conversion coefficient between vegetation index (NDVI) and FVC is calculated respectively. The calculated conversion coefficient lookup table and 1km / 5-day synthetic NDVI product production area are used to synthesize FVC products Synthetic FVC products of 1km / 5 days in Heihe River basin can directly obtain the vegetation coverage ratio through high-resolution data, so as to reduce the impact of heterogeneity of low-resolution data; In addition, the typical period of vegetation growth and change is selected, and the growth curve parameters corresponding to each pixel are obtained by fitting the vegetation index of each pixel time series; Then, combined with the land use map and vegetation classification map, find the representative uniform pixels of the region for training the conversion coefficient of vegetation index Compared with the high-resolution aster reference FVC results of Heihe River Basin, firstly, combined with the ground measured data, the aster products of Heihe River Basin are aggregated to 1km scale by using the scale up method, and the aster aggregated FVC data are obtained, which is indirectly compared with the FVC products based on spot vector remote sensing data released by geoland2 project (geov1 fcover for short), According to the FVC time series curves of three kinds of data, the results show that the results of geov1 are higher than those of ASTER image combined with ground measurement, the results of 1km / 5-day synthetic FVC products in Heihe River Basin are in between, and the 1km / 5-day synthetic