%0 Dataset %T Topographic factor data set of Jinghe River Basin %J National Cryosphere Desert Data Center %I National Cryosphere Desert Data Center(www.ncdc.ac.cn) %U http://www.ncdc.ac.cn/portal/metadata/73f2dbc3-6bd1-4911-96d8-1ae44f212f0c %W NCDC %R 10.12072/ncdc.JRiver.db1978.2022 %A Zhang yaonan %K Slope;aspect;slope variability;comprehensive curvature;elevation variation coefficient;plane curvature;surface roughness;section curvature;topographic relief;surface cutting depth;aspect variability %X Terrain factors can represent the basic characteristics of the terrain surface, but it is difficult to use a terrain factor, and it is also difficult to accurately and specifically express the characteristics of the surface relief. Therefore, various terrain factors can be considered comprehensively to describe the relief changes of the terrain surface to a certain extent, which has a good effect.The data source used for the data is DEM. From geospatial data cloud( http://www.gscloud.cn/search )Finally, the DEM data of Jinghe River Basin is obtained by splicing multiple Dems and cutting the DEM using the vector boundary of Jinghe River Basin.The terrain factors included in this data set include micro terrain factors and macro terrain factors. The micro terrain factors include slope, aspect, slope variability, aspect variability, plane curvature, section curvature, comprehensive curvature, etc; There are 11 macro topographic factors, including topographic roughness, topographic relief, elevation variation coefficient and surface cutting depth.The spatial resolution of the data is 30m, the data is in grid format and the coordinate system is WGS84.