%0 Dataset %T Heihe River comprehensive remote sensing joint experiment: rainfall interception observation data of super sample plot of Dayekou guantan forest station (2008) %J National Cryosphere Desert Data Center %I National Cryosphere Desert Data Center(www.ncdc.ac.cn) %U http://www.ncdc.ac.cn/portal/metadata/63e94f35-61ce-4d8d-b2da-ac8f554406df %W NCDC %R 10.12072/ncdc.NIEER.db1917.2022 %A Tan Junlei %A Bai Yunjie %A Chetao %K Precipitation;rainfall intensity;rainfall %X This data comes from the super sample plot of guantan forest station in Dayekou basin. The tree vegetation of the super sample plot is pure Qinghai Spruce Forest, and the sample plot size is 100m × 100m。 The data of this data set mainly include: control atmospheric rainfall, through rainfall in the forest, trunk flow, through rainfall of moss and litter barrel. The data can be used to study the canopy interception characteristics of Qinghai Spruce and develop the rainfall interception model of Qinghai Spruce. The two rainfall tubes for observation and control of atmospheric rainfall are located on a flat beach near the hydrological test sample plot, and are observed in time after each rainfall. 20 rain cones penetrating rainfall in the observation forest are arranged in sub plot 3 of super sample plot. The layout rules of rain cones are based on the canopy canopy density directly above. In the sample plot, nine self-made rain tanks were arranged according to the regular grid to observe the penetrating rainfall in the forest. The observation of stem flow is to record the rainfall collected by the rain collector in the self-made stem flow device. Observation time: from June 1, 2008 to October 10, 2008, timely observation after each rainfall.Observation site: hydrological test plot of guantan forest station in Dayekou basin. Observation instrument: 1) standard rain gauge (diameter: 20cm; Observation and control rainfall: 2; Through rainfall in the observation forest: 20). It is arranged according to canopy density in the sample plot. 2) Self made rain chute (size: 20) × twenty × 100cm; Through rainfall in the observation forest: 10). It is arranged in the sample plot according to the regular grid. 3) Self made trunk and stem flow devices (5 serpentine pipes and rain collection devices in total). 4) Self made moss and litter interception bucket (diameter: 20cm). 5) Standard 20cm rain gauge (measuring range: 10.5mm)