%0 Dataset %T Heihe River Integrated Remote Sensing joint experiment: temporary sample plot survey data set of densified observation area in Dayekou basin (2008) %J National Cryosphere Desert Data Center %I National Cryosphere Desert Data Center(www.ncdc.ac.cn) %U http://www.ncdc.ac.cn/portal/metadata/5545a4d0-5d1b-4278-9d17-585fd9f2f067 %W NCDC %R 10.12072/ncdc.NIEER.db1878.2022 %A Chen Erxue %A He qisheng %K Forest ecosystem;ecosystem;leaf area index;vegetation;forest %X The forest hydrology test area of Heihe River comprehensive remote sensing joint test includes Dayekou basin intensive observation area and Pailugou basin intensive observation area. As the fixed sample plots are concentrated in the drainage ditch basin, these sample plots lack the representativeness of the forests in the whole Dayekou basin, 43 temporary forest sample plots were arranged in the whole Dayekou basin in June 2008. The data set is the ground observation data of these 43 temporary sample plots. In addition to detecting, measuring and recording the stand status and site factors of each tree in the sample plot, the Lai of the sample plot was also observed. The instruments used for measuring each wood in the sample plot are mainly tape measure, DBH ruler, flower stem, tree measuring instrument and compass. DBH, tree height, height under branches, crown width in cross slope direction, crown width along slope direction and single tree growth were measured. The WGS84 longitude and latitude coordinates of the central point of the sample plot are measured by different handheld GPS, and the positioning error is about 5-30m. Other sample site observation factors include: Forest Farm, slope direction, slope position, slope, soil thickness, canopy density of tree layer, etc. The implementation time of these temporary sample plot tree survey work is from 2 to 30 June 2008.The data set can provide ground data for the development of remote sensing inversion algorithm of forest structure parameters