%0 Dataset %T Heihe River Integrated Remote Sensing joint test: ground synchronous observation data sets of Terra MISR and MODIS in the intensive observation area of Binggou basin during the pre-test period (December 10 and 11, 2007) %J National Cryosphere Desert Data Center %I National Cryosphere Desert Data Center(www.ncdc.ac.cn) %U http://www.ncdc.ac.cn/portal/metadata/5270d88c-3ea7-4bba-9a7a-7a342ec6939a %W NCDC %R 10.12072/ncdc.NIEER.db1803.2022 %A DaiLiyun %A Li xin %A Wangjian %A Ma mingguo %A Wang weizhen %A Chetao %A Xiaohua Hao %A Li Hongyi %A Liang Ji %A Wang Xufeng %A Wu Yueru %A Wang Yang %A LuoLihun %K Snow stratification temperature;Snow soil interface temperature;Snow grain size;Snow characteristic analyzer;Snow density;The snow is deep;Hand held infrared thermometer;Hand held microscope;MODIS;Snow surface temperature;MISR;Ground synchronous observation;Needle thermometer %X The simultaneous observation of MODIS ground snow parameters and Terra MISR surface temperature were carried out in the intensive observation area of Binggou basin on December 10 and December 11, 2007, in order to provide data sets for remote sensing inversion verification. In bg-a sample plot. Observation contents include: 1) Snow parameter observation. The observation variables include synchronous temperature of snow surface and snow soil interface, surface temperature (measured by hand-held infrared thermometer), snow stratification temperature (measured by needle thermometer), snow depth (ruler) and snow particle size (measured by hand-held microscope) 2) The snow density observation is shown in the snow density observation data set in the intensive observation area of Binggou basin during the pre-test period 3) The synchronous observation data of snow characteristic analyzer are shown in the observation data set of snow characteristic analyzer (snowfork) in Binggou basin during the pre-test period. The data set includes original data and preprocessed data. The preprocessed data includes two files, one is MODIS and MISR snow parameter observation, and the other is MISR synchronous temperature record.