%0 Dataset %T The grid Data of soil properties based on WISE30sec %J National Cryosphere Desert Data Center %I National Cryosphere Desert Data Center(www.ncdc.ac.cn) %U http://www.ncdc.ac.cn/portal/metadata/3e5ce7b6-5989-45f5-84de-8b8ac61f4191 %W NCDC %R 10.12072/ncdc.qlsst.db2702.2023 %A Zhu Meng %A Zhang Chengqi %A Zhang Jutao %A Feng qi %K Soil Database;Soil;WISE30sec %X The original data were obtained from the world soil properties database WISE30sec produced by the International Soil Reference and Information Centre (ISRIC) (N.H. Batjes, 2016; DOI:10.1016/j.geoderma.2016.01.034). The soil type GIS dataset was created using the HWSD (version 1.21) soil map units with minor corrections and overlaying world map of Köppen-Geiger classification climate as classification covariates, and soil properties data is from the ISRIC-WISE soil profile database, containing 21,000 soil profiles.Compared to the HWSD (v1.2)database, WISE30sec quantifies the uncertainty in soil properties (standard deviation) by adding four soil properties with a finer soil stratification: 0-20cm, 20-40cm, 40-60cm, 60-80cm, 80-100cm, 100-150cm, 150-200cm.The original WISE30sec soil database mainly comprises the soil type raster file (wise_30sec_v1.tif) and the soil properties Access database file (WISE30sec.mdb).To be easier to use the original data, we re-read the WISE30sec.mdb file in R language, obtained the 20 soil properties and their uncertainty (standard deviation) attribute tables, used the soil type linkage method (Linkage method) to link each soil property data to the soil type raster file wise_30sec_ v1.tif with NEWSUID as the identifier, using the idea of partitioned parallel calculation, and finally merging the output into GeoTIFF files and clipping them by China area.This dataset contains a total of 20 soil properties and their standard deviations in 7 layers, with 280 raster files. File naming rules: "BULK_std_0-20cm.tif", BULK means soil capacity, std means uncertainty of soil capacity (standard deviation), 0-20cm means soil depth. This dataset can be used for resource and environmental assessment directly and comparative fusion of soil products from different sources, and provides input parameters for model-driven hydrological, biogeochemical and land surface processes, serving ecological agricultural zoning and food security.