%0 Dataset %T A dataset of snow phenology in China based on AVHRR from 2000 to 2020 %J National Cryosphere Desert Data Center %I National Cryosphere Desert Data Center(www.ncdc.ac.cn) %U http://www.ncdc.ac.cn/portal/metadata/392be836-6b3b-43d8-a586-7a5474a743bd %W NCDC %R 10.12072/ncdc.I-SNOW.db0010.2021 %A Xiaohua Hao %A Zhao Qin %A Ji Wenzheng %A Wangjian %A Li Hongyi %K AVHRR;snow days;first snow day;last snow day %X Based on the daily cloudless snow area product of 5 km AVHRR from 1980 to 2020, this data set has prepared China's long-time Series Snow phenology data set.According to different phenological parameters, the data set is divided into three directories: snow days, first snow days and last snow days. Each directory contains 40 sub files, which are snow phenological parameters every hydrological year. The directory naming rule is China XXXX data set from 1980 to 2020, where XXXX represents snow phenological parameters: snow days, first snow days and last snow days; The sub file naming rule is Nieer_ AVHRR_ TTT_ 5000m_ Yyyy-yyyy.tif, where TTT represents different snow phenological parameters (SCD is the number of snow days, SCS is the first snow day, SCM is the last snow day), and yyyy-yyyy represents the hydrological year.This data set can serve the analysis of temporal and spatial changes of snow cover in China, and provide basic data for scientific research, engineering construction and social services such as climate research, hydrological management, ecological environment, humanities and economy.