%0 Dataset %T Comprehensive data set of Cryosphere in the Qinghai Tibet Plateau %J National Cryosphere Desert Data Center %I National Cryosphere Desert Data Center(www.ncdc.ac.cn) %U http://www.ncdc.ac.cn/portal/metadata/27195244-ca42-4ff9-8d37-e0cad5de4751 %W NCDC %R 10.12072/ncdc.westdc.db3894.2023 %A Li xin %K Borehole;Hydrogeology ;Geology;Lake;Permafrost type;Plants;Digital elevation ;Ancient glacier;Snow depth %X Contents of this data set:1、 Document (description file of data set)2、 Fgmodel (model data)3、 GridDEM, hillshade (digital elevation and mountain shadow)4、 Map (thumbnail)5、 Meteoro (meteorological data)1. Snowdpt (snow depth): (1) data source snow depth observation data and passive microwave data (2) attribute field: geocoding meteorological station number meteorological station name mapping symbol (3) main content snow depth2. Precitpt (precipitation): (1) data source precipitation data of Qinghai Tibet Plateau (2) attribute field: geocode Meteorological Station No. meteorological station name cartographic symbol (3) monthly average precipitation3. Temprt: (1) data source temperature data of Qinghai Tibet Plateau, (2) attribute field: geocode Meteorological Station No. meteorological station name cartographic symbol (3) monthly average temperature6、 Qzhighw (data of Qinghai Tibet highway)7、 VecterAlabers, geo two folders:1. Frozen (frozen soil type map): (1) data source: 1:4000000 frozen soil map of ice and snow in China, 1:3000000 frozen soil map of Qinghai Tibet Plateau, (2) attribute field: geocode belt Name: annual average ground temperature (℃) permafrost thickness (m) mapping symbol, (3) description of main geographical elements: multi-year frozen soil, seasonal frozen soil2. Hydrogeology: (1) data source: 1:4000000 geological map of China, (2) geographic code, hydrogeological classification, hydrogeological subclass, cartographic symbol, (3) main geographical elements: hydrogeological phenomena3. Quadgeo (Quaternary geological map): (1) data source: 1:2500000 Quaternary geological map of China, (2) attribute field: geocoding sedimentary facies geology age sedimentary type mapping symbol, (3) main geographical elements: Quaternary geological type4. Lake (lake map): (1) data source: 1:4000000 topographic map of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau, (2) cartographic symbols of geographic coding categories, (3) main geographical elements: Lake Distribution5. Stream: (1) da