%0 Dataset %T Gansu Province 1:100000 Basic Geographic Dataset (2012) %J National Cryosphere Desert Data Center %I National Cryosphere Desert Data Center(www.ncdc.ac.cn) %U http://www.ncdc.ac.cn/portal/metadata/211debf3-f592-4672-a05b-9b7462e3e07d %W NCDC %R 10.12072/ncdc.westdc.db3892.2023 %A Wu lizong %K Settlements;boundary;vegetation;rivers;road;Soil type %X This dataset contains 1:100000 basic data from Gansu Province, mainly including Gansu_ City_ Point (urban residential area), Gansu_ County_ Point (county town residential area), Gansu_ Town_ Point (township residential area), Gansu_ Village_ Point (rural settlement), Gansu_ Provincial_ Boundary, Gansu_ Preview_ Boundary (urban boundary), Gansu_ County_ Boundary (county boundary), Gansu_ Village_ Boundary (township boundary), Gansu_ Rivers, Gansu_ Road, Gansu_ Soil_ 100k (soil type), Gansu_ VegetationBased on the 2012 township zoning map, thematic map, and high-resolution image extractionOn a scale of 1:1000001. Gansu_ City_ Point: Name (Text, 60) City name, Code (Text, 30) City point code (444001)2. Gansu_ County_ Point: Name (Text, 60) City name, Code (Text, 30) County town residential code (444002)3. Gansu_ Town_ Point: Name (Text, 60) City name, Code (Text, 30) Township settlement code (444003)4. Gansu_ Village_ Point (rural settlement): NAME (Text, 60) city name, Code (Text, 30) rural settlement code (444004)5. Gansu_ Rivers: NAME (Text, 30) River name, Shape_ Leng (Double, 18) River length, Code (Text, 30) River code (333001)6. Gansu_ Road: NAME (Text, 48) Road name, RF (Text, 16) Road level, Shape_ Long (Double) Road length, Code (Text, 30) Road code (222001)7. Gansu_ County_ Boundary: Name (Text, 50) County boundary name, Code (Text, 50) County code (111003)8. Gansu_ Preview_ Boundary: Name (Text, 50) City boundary name, Code (Text, 50) City boundary code (111002)9. Gansu_ Provincial_ Boundary: NAME (Text, 50) Provincial boundary name, Code (Double, 19) Provincial boundary code (111001)10. Gansu_ Village_ Boundary: Name (Text, 100) Name of township boundary, Code (Text, 50) Provincial boundary code (111004)11. Gansu_ Landuse: Land type (Text, 254) Land use type, Code (Double, 15)12. Gansu_ Soil_ 100k (soil): SOILCODE (Double, 13) soil code, profile code (Long) profile code, subclass name (Text, 23) subclass name, Pro_ NAME (Text, 9) region name, profile thick