%0 Dataset %T Heihe River Integrated Remote Sensing joint experiment: ENVISAT ASAR ground synchronous observation data set in Linze grassland intensive observation area (July 11, 2008) %J National Cryosphere Desert Data Center %I National Cryosphere Desert Data Center(www.ncdc.ac.cn) %U http://www.ncdc.ac.cn/portal/metadata/1ab7cc44-48ec-4347-84cb-45655772a570 %W NCDC %R 10.12072/ncdc.NIEER.db1892.2022 %A Jin rui %A Gai Chunmei %A HuXiaoli %A HuangChunling %A Liu chao %K aerospace remote sensing;soil;microwave remote sensing;vegetation;surface radiation characteristics;airborne ground remote sensing;soil humidity;ground verification information;ASAR;soil temperature;needle thermometer;pogo portable soil moisture sensor;ground synchronous observation;surface radiation temperature;handheld infrared thermometer;canopy radiation temperature;ring knife;soil moisture %X On July 11, 2008, the ground synchronous observation of ENVISAT ASAR data was carried out in sample a (reed land), sample B (saline alkali land), sample C (saline alkali land), sample D (alfalfa land) and sample e (barley land) in the intensive observation area of Linze grassland. ENVISAT ASAR data is AP mode, VV / VH polarization combination mode, and the transit time is about 11:26bjt. The main observation variable is soil moisture. This data can provide a basic ground data set for the development and verification of active microwave remote sensing algorithm for retrieving soil moisture and soil salt. Observed at 120m × 120m,6Grid × Unfold in 6grid quadrat. Sample a, sample B and sample C in the intensive observation area of Linze grassland are sampled with a ring knife and dried to obtain weight water content, volume water content and soil bulk density; Needle thermometer to obtain 0-5cm average soil temperature; The crown top temperature and soil surface temperature were obtained by hand-held infrared thermometer. Pogo portable soil sensors are used for sample D and sample e to obtain soil temperature, soil moisture, loss tangent, soil conductivity, real and imaginary parts of soil complex dielectric; Needle thermometer to obtain 0-5cm average soil temperature; The crown top temperature and soil surface temperature were obtained by hand-held infrared thermometer.This data set consists of Excel tables of soil moisture data measured by 5 quadrats. See metadata "Heihe integrated remote sensing joint experiment: layout of quadrat transects in Linze grassland densified observation area" for the distribution information of quadrat transects.