TY - Data T1 - Heihe River eco hydrological remote sensing experiment: hydrometeorological observation network data set (cosmic ray soil moisture of Daman super station-2013) A1 - Liu shaomin DO - 10.12072/ncdc.NIEER.db0047.2020 PY - 2021 DA - 2021-08-27 PB - National Cryosphere Desert Data Center AB - The data set contains the cosmic ray instrument (CRS) observation data from September 20, 2012 to December 31, 2013. The station is located in the farmland of Daman Irrigation District, Zhangye City, Gansu Province, with corn field as the underlying surface. The longitude and latitude of the observation point are 100.3722e, 38.8555n, the altitude is 1556M, the bottom of the instrument probe is 0.5m from the ground, and the sampling frequency is 1 hour. The original observation items of cosmic ray instruments include: Voltage batt (V), temperature T (℃), relative humidity Rh (%), air pressure P (HPA), fast neutron number N1c (piece / hour), thermal neutron number n2c (piece / hour), fast neutron sampling time n1et (s) and thermal neutron sampling time n2et The published data is the data after processing and calculation. The data header includes: date time, P (air pressure HPA), N1c (fast neutrons / hour), N1c_ Cor (barometric corrected fast neutrons / hour) and vwc (soil volume water content%) DB - NCDC UR - http://www.ncdc.ac.cn/portal/metadata/0ca503ea-189c-417b-aaae-e3d402213656 ER -